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Page history last edited by Clif 15 years, 3 months ago

You can add a forum to your wiki

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Adding a JS-Kit system

This one works pretty nicely. It's two lines of code. I added a table around it to keep it sized nicely. You can use the HTML plugin to insert the code into a wiki page while you are editing.


Here's an example of what the code looks like. (remember to use your own JSKit account code - don't use mine)

<table><td width="600"><div class="js-kit-comments" path="http://help4all.pbwiki.com/AddingForum"></div> <script src="http://js-kit.com/comments.js"></script></td></table>




Adding an IFRAME page from a forum hosted elsewhere


Here's what the code looks like. You can use the HTML plugin to insert the code into a wiki page while you are editing.

<iframe width=700 height=2500 src="http://www.thefreewareforum.com/"></iframe>



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